"Sustainability" is a broadly defined topic with many definitions. To address the key issue of climate change, we believe our projects must encompass the health and well-being of communities. This has been our central theme for many years. We work closely with our clients to develop customized design solutions that optimize their operations and the planet, and are compliant with green building standards.
We have a professional in-house team responsible for environmental analysis, research, landscape planning, and financial evaluation. Different departments work together with the design team to develop sustainable frameworks and determine environmental goals to achieve a healthier world.
Urban regeneration: The urban environment accounts for 40% of global carbon emissions. Transforming existing cities is crucial to achieving our net-zero carbon goals. By systematically adjusting existing structures, we can improve urban performance and function while reducing embedded carbon. For example, transforming old industrial areas into flexible and friendly urban environments, with multiple functions.
Ecological cities: Led by our strategic planning team, we strive to connect with the current global sustainability assessment methods as much as possible. Therefore, we have developed our own comprehensive assessment, including evaluations of various indicators, to comprehensively evaluate the carbon impact of our projects throughout their entire life cycle.
Resilient cities: We evaluate the environmental performance of our projects and develop innovative, future-oriented solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change. Drawing lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, our focus is on resilience, flexibility, health, and well-being. Our design approach addresses sustainability issues holistically, from the efficient use of natural resources, circular economy strategies, and environmental thermal comfort to urban environmental quality. We seek to leverage the power of design to enhance the life experience of everyone.
Corporate social and environmental responsibility: Our CSR policy aims to provide lasting benefits by applying our sustainability principles to our own operations. The focus is on implementing measures to reduce energy consumption and mitigate the carbon impact of our operations. We also value education and community engagement.

Urbanet Consulting Group is committed to supporting diversity and inclusivity. We strive to create a work environment that is adaptable to different cultures. We have been involved in various initiatives that encourage and enhance diversity in practice and in the broader industry. These practices have formed a forum for diversity and inclusivity to increase participation, knowledge sharing, awareness of key diversity initiatives, and opportunities for greater inclusivity.
Through cross-sector collaboration, we aim to realize diversity in the workplace, support our employees, provide valuable feedback to leaders, and support diversity in the entire planning industry. We have established good connections with many schools and universities around the world, providing funding and support for educational activities and award programs. Our internship program provides valuable experiences for students from different backgrounds, and we have close connection to the field of urban planning.